Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Our Lady of Mount Carmel,

pray for us!

Saint Agnes,

pray for us!

Nuestra Señora del Monte Carmelo,¡ruega por nosotros!

Santa Inés,

¡ruega por nosotros!

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Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Glorious Virgin Mary,
you were chosen by the Most Holy Trinity
in your Immaculate Conception to be the Mother of our Savior,
Jesus Christ, the blessed fruit of your womb.
Your beloved Son, as he sacrificed himself upon the Cross
for the salvation of all humanity,
taught all believers to entrust themselves to you as our Mother.
With confidence, then, Our Lady of Fatima
and Splendor of Mount Carmel,
we come to you today.
Listen to your children,
the faithful of St Agnes Parish and School,
and intercede for us before your Son in Heaven.

Our Lady of Guadalupe, Queen of Heaven and Earth,
your heavenly mission is to teach all your children
to love your Son, Jesus,
and to guide us to walk always in His Footsteps
in the way of salvation,
imitating you as true disciples.

Mother of God and our Mother,
we consecrate our parish, our school, and ourselves
to your Immaculate and Most Pure Heart,
and entrust ourselves to your faithful love,
for we know that you offer your maternal protection
and help to all who honor you with devotion,
and intercede for those who sincerely seek Your Son.

Intercede on our behalf with your Son,
so that your Divine Spouse, the Holy Spirit,
may fill us with the graces we need
to live the Gospel with joy,
and to faithfully proclaim Jesus Christ
to be our Savior and Savior of all to the glory of the Father;
to recognize and serve him in our brothers and sisters in need,
to live our consecration each day,
by pondering the mysteries of our salvation in our hearts,
by wearing your humble habit, the Brown Scapular,
with devotion to you as our Sister and Mother,
and by frequently receiving the Sacraments in hope,
so that like you, we can love God with our whole heart
and our neighbor as ourselves.

Like new wine at Cana, ask your Son on our behalf
for the gifts of faith, hope, and love,
so that, at the end of our earthly life,
He may welcome us to the Eternal Kingdom,
where you are Queen of all the Angels and Saints.

Most Blessed Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
we ask you to hear and grant all that we have prayed
to your praise and eternal glory. Amen.

Fr. Bradley Peterson, O. Carm.
Pastor, St. Agnes Parish, Phoenix

Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, 2017

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